YOU ARE . . .

Scripture Reading - 1 Peter 2:9

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: KJV

This verse in the book of the Apostle Peter tells us a few of our attributes in Christ. The first fact of our inheritance in Christ mentioned in this verse reveals that you are chosen. This means chosen by God Almighty, some people will claim that they chose Christ but scripturally speaking the Lord chose you first and you decided to response favorably to His calling. Secondly, you are a priest which means the Lord Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father ordained you to pray for others. The priest is also the representative of God to tell those who are in need of spiritual restoration that God desires their love and fellowship. As a priest you have the God given right to inform those who are hurting that God desires to heal their heart and as a priest you are equipped to help them receive the graces of God promised to them. Notice that you are more than a priest because you have royalty in your heritage. Yes, the royalty of the Blood of Jesus and the royalty of the Holy Spirit is in you. No one on this earth, below the earth or even in Heaven can be more royal than God; so that means you are a part of the highest royalty in the universe. Amen! Since you are a part of God’s own family you are holy. Holiness is manifested on your behalf in two ways. You are separated unto God as holy and clean and pure which is one part of divine holiness. The second part is God’s awesome nature within you. The holiness of God is the essence of His greatness. Our God in Heaven is called holy, holy, holy by the angelic forces surrounding His throne because of His splendor and wonder. This holiness is inside of you solely by God’s Grace making all of God’s family a holy (wonderful and splendid) nation. This is exactly why you are a peculiar person. Trying to figure out why the All Powerful God in Heaven would do all this for us could only be explained as perplexing. Thus, the word peculiar people is meant to describe the reaction of others outside of God’s family. Like some versions of the Holy Bible declare, “We are special people”. These are just a few of the reasons we lift-up our praises to God who called us out of our own darkness to come into His marvelous light of Jesus Christ. Amen!